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The concepts of brand and branding have been around for a long time. Marketing has also been around forever. There is often quite a bit of confusion around what branding is and what marketing is. The two terms are often used interchangeably, and we're often asked what the difference is. Before we dive into how branding makes for better marketing, it's important that you understand the difference between the two. Marketing unearths and activates buyers. Branding makes loyal customers, advocates, and even evangelists out of those who buy.
A brand is formed through a series of experiences. It’s the sum of all information about a product, service, or organization. A brand is formed in the mind and then reinforced at all points of contact.
Branding establishes, reinforces, and enhances experiences with an organization or product. It communicates a promise to your intended audience and creates a distinct and memorable image in the mind of your customers.
And then there's marketing. Marketing is actively promoting a brand’s product or service. It's a way of reaching and engaging people. Marketing keeps your company top-of-mind among the decision-makers you are trying to do business with.
Here are some of the main differences between the two:
Branding I Marketing
Branding is why
Branding defines trajectory
Branding is strategic — vision, strategy, execution and evolution
Branding drives reputation
Branding is the reason someone buys
Branding creates value
Branding builds loyalty
Branding is the being
Marketing is how
Marketing defines tactics
Marketing is tactical — traditional, digital and unconventional
Marketing drives leads and sales
Marketing is the reason someone thought of buying
Marketing extracts value
Marketing builds familiarity
Marketing is the doing
The primary difference between branding and marketing is that marketing promotes and branding reinforces. If you have a crappy product or customer service issues, marketing can get you leads and sales, but only branding will help enhance your reputation and strengthen customer loyalty.
At the end of the day, branding provides consumers the knowledge and insight required to determine if they actually like your company, what you stand for, and if they’d like to do business with you.
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