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Work with us 

Kolkata  |  Lucknow  |  New Delhi

We are a cutting-edge software and digital marketing agency that is fun and exciting and where we work on challenging creative projects, fascinating graphic design, and web development problems in addition to developing customized software and digital marketing tactics for a brand's best performance. Being a member of one of the town's most well-rounded digital marketing teams, which is bursting with zeal and sass, is always fun. Contact us with any questions about open positions; we'll be happy to have you on board.

+91 9830112268

For career related queries

Marketing Manager

Required 5+ Experience in an Ad, software or Digital agency

Customer Service 

Required 2+ years experience in the same segment ( Female Only )

Marketing Executive

Required 2+ Experience in an Ad, software, or Digital agency 


Get Free work opportunities & on-job training experiences (Marketing/ Sales/ Creative Design/ Social Media Executive/ web Developer)

Tele Marketing Executive

Required 1+ Experience in dealing with digital products or insurance 

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